The VSSI-Pro is designed especially for controlling loss and fraud at (ATM) Automatic Teller Machines.
TLink the transaction information from the POS to HD-TVI, AHD, HD-CVI, 960H & IP Video CCTV systems to prevent “Sweet heart” sales, Voids, and other fraudulent procedures during checkouts.
- Eliminate fraudulent transactions: Sweethearting, Refunds, Cancels, Voids, No Sales, Discounts – etc
- Link the transaction information from the POS to HD-TVI, AHD, HD-CVI, 960H & IP Video CCTV systems
- Transaction information can be overlaid on the video in real-time
- Provides a simple way to determine if the correct amount is charged for an item in Live mode, Playback, On the phone app, On the CMS
- Suspicious transactions like VOID, NO SALE, REFUND, CANCEL Etc. can be flagged on-screen and/or linked to the event list on any commercial grade video recorder with an alarm input
- Works with all camera manufacturers
- Compatible with more than 400 cash register manufacturers
- Compatible with money counting equipment, ATM machines, scales & more
- Justifies the cost of the CCTV system and will quickly pay for itself in as little as 1-3 months in most cases